About iain
Embracing genuine transformation is at the heart of what I offer. When you invest your time and resources with me, my utmost goal is to ensure you feel a meaningful, positive change. Every session, whether it's a remedial massage or an psychic experience, is custom-tailored to meet your specific needs at the time we connect.
I want you to feel real change: physically, energetically, emotionally.
Let's set you up for your best future self!
To discover more about my services, please click the FAQ button below.

Some say
'Change is the only constant in life'.
We don't have much control over change, but we can choose things that create positive change.
By choosing to trust my
'feel REAL change' philosophy you can invite positive change and shift your relationship with change.
Be open to allow it!
That can happen in as little as minutes,
so imagine what
60 or 90 minutes can do for you!
Featured Services
Remedial Massage
Remedial Massage is a remedy to your soft tissue aches
pains and injuries.
Each session is tailored to your requirements.
Psychic Guidance
Every area of life can create questions, without the answers to which can keep you stuck. Be released by asking the right questions and receiving answers along with
further insights.
Guidance & Massage
An insighful combination of psychic guidance and massage. Touch can release emotion and energy blocks while the right questions are answered.
Psychic Guidance for your Business
Psychic insight to assist in making decisions, choosing the right path and the likely outcome of potential choices, along with forecasts helping you create success.
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