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Writer's pictureIain Gardiner

Ella Megalast Burls Forever ~ Living Intuitively



Whisked away

(Whisked away)

Away and

(Away and)

Be joyful and funny

(No one is)

Be joyful and funny

(And he doesn't)

With all the feelings on the ground

Assumed to be partial lyrics of  ‘Ella Megalast Burls Forever’ - track from the Cocteau Twins album ‘Blue Bell Knoll’ 1988

With profundity, Elizabeth Fraser’s enigmatic lyrics and voice of angelic resonance filtered into my cellular expression of blessings, curses, promise, loss and the potential universe within me.  The lyrics were obscure, so I couldn’t relate to the song intellectually; it was so much more than that.  It was communication from another individual who had reached the depths of self and knew well how to dwell, be vulnerable and express her fears through love and ultimately share them at level that surpassed language that only a metaphor of sound could make sense of.   My tears were from EVERYTHING.  They were because I felt something infinite in what I was listening to.  I no longer felt alone, yet alone I felt.  Anything I could possibly feel: good or bad, happy or sad, sorrow or joy, and list goes on, opened up like a panorama on a cellular level.  Without condemnation and filled with unconditional love, I accepted and received an impression of ‘Everything’.  And I cried because I felt like I had come home.  ‘Ella Megalast Burls Forever’ was the language I needed to recognise my intuitive voice.  What the song conjures in me is a recognition of everything without condemnation, just observation with integrity, acceptance and freedom to be released to the ether.  Most of my regular clients know that Cocteau Twins’ Music is my ‘go-to’ ritualistic music that gets me in ‘the zone’ to be at my best intuitively.  In fact, I’ve listened to them while writing most of this book.

Living intuitively is a daily practice of trust and faith.  Intuition is knowledge beyond logic and it can be your greatest ally.  When I first had to make tough decisions coming out of my marriage and found I was at a crossroads, which was often, I discovered when I concentrated on one path and then another, I would choose the path that didn’t make me feel dizzy.  I learned later that I was choosing the path that kept me grounded.  The one that grounded me was always the right decision.  They were heady days of confusion and very dark times and it was difficult for me to intellectualise anything through the raw emotions.  So, dizziness was my ally and it was my intuition’s way of communication.  As time went on and I matured, I trusted it more and it developed from dizziness into getting impressions from patterns, feelings, visions and sometimes words said in my ear.

Intuition is our natural wiring.  We all have the ability to trust what intuition is telling us and it begins in our bodies.  It is important to differentiate between intuition and psychic abilities that tend to be treated like a sideshow act.  Yes, some people’s abilities are impressive however if you set what they can achieve as your goal, you are very likely to be severely disappointed.  What usually impresses people is the ability to see the future.  Although at times I can do that, I never encourage clients, or even myself, to look.  I believe that to look to see what the future holds is to influence it, so just the intention of looking can disrupt the potentialities.  When I have looked at the future and told a client, it has usually been unplanned and has been casually immediate, like touching a client’s foot and saying, ‘You’re travelling soon’.  The response was, ‘Yes, we’re heading back to Paris next week’.  All harmless stuff, just like noticing a new tattoo, or hair colour.  When the future is revealed, it can create expectation, which transforms the individual in the present moment and therefore has the potential to affect the future.  It is a far more responsible endeavour to intuit what is happening in the present moment and change what needs and can be changed to attract the future you want.  It may be confusing when I say, ‘intuit what is happening in the present moment’, because the natural question that follows is, ‘surely I know what is happening in the present moment, don’t I?’.  The answer is yes you do, but usually only the perspective that you would have from your habitual perceptions and limitations of knowledge and understanding.  Intuition can give you an alternative reality to what you already believe to be the truth.  Intuition can be relied upon when all else in the egocentric relationship you have with yourself isn’t providing you any relief or understanding.  What that means is, that your perceptions can often be reframed by a fresh way of looking at the same situation.  That’s why we rely on friends.  Our friends are trusted folk who usually love you and have our best interests at heart, who are happy to give you advice, which can be a reframe of a difficult situation.  Friends of course have their own perceptions and agendas, which may or may not be aligned to what’s best for you, despite good intentions.  That’s when an objective deliverer of intuitive guidance can help.  If they are good enough to keep their ego out of the way and deliver pragmatically direct insight that can help your situation.

Edgar arrived for his appointment bubbling with friendly enthusiasm.  We’d had a session previously and his enthusiasm made me suspicious of what was happening with him because it wasn’t the Edgar I remembered.  He sat down and beyond the pleasantries his anger was evident.  A contract in a business he’d been working at had come to an end.  He had worked hard setting up systems and was told he would have a full-time position at the end of the contracted period.  At the eleventh hour, he was told the job had been offered to someone else.  Understandably he was angry.  We talked about his feelings and once we decided on a way forward I stepped into his energy.  Within a few seconds, I stepped back and said, ‘Edgar, you didn’t even want the job!’.  He paused and laughed and said, ‘You’re right!’.  I said, ‘You didn’t like the people, you didn’t like the work and basically, you’re feeling humiliated, which is why you’re so angry’.  He said, ‘You’re right’.  We then agreed that we work on clearing the rubble, which was pretty easy and get on to setting him up for what he wanted.  Edgar’s friends, who loved and cared for him, joined him in his anger which gave him more reason to hold onto it and treat it as if it was the truth.  An objected revelation of the truth was enough to step him straight out of one paradigm of reality and straight into another, which was much easier to engage with.  Again, intuition is knowledge without logic. 

Consider though that intuitive guidance isn’t exclusive to times of duress.  I use it when going about my daily activities because it is a part of life.  There’s a reason why it’s called the sixth sense.  It should be considered as natural to us as the other five senses and like the other five work together, it should work with them.  Just like the senses of taste, smell and sight work together to enjoy or be disgusted by a meal, the sixth sense of intuition should work with all the others.  How that translates into daily life, is you might see something fall on the floor, which is related to an activity later in the day, such as a phone charger (I bet you know this one already!).  Momentarily, you think that you may need that later.  You could put it back in from where it fell, or you might pick it up and put it in your bag because you chose to listen to that little voice that said you may need it later.  Then when ‘later’ comes, depending on your choice, you’ll either deride or congratulate yourself for your decision around your intuition.  Living a conscious life on one hand is hard work, yet it can be a magical ride on a daily basis when listening to intuition and being in flow with consciousness.  Life is all about making choices.  Daily we are presented with choices, big and small and having the openness and being willing to trust intuitive impressions can be profound and what amazes you at first will become normal to you.

At some stage, you will ask, ‘How do I become more intuitive?’.  It’s crazy to think anyone can teach you how to engage your intuition and it’s irresponsible for anyone to claim they can teach you.  All you can expect is to be shown practical methods to develop your intuition and then it is up to you to trust what you feel and continue to trust.  First, accepting your ability to be intuitive is like a muscle that already exists and will grow stronger the more you trust it and use it.  An imperative component is healthy self-esteem, which is usually the one thing that needs work for most people.  As you exercise your intuition and trust in its ability to grow and be strong, just like a muscle, your self-esteem will also strengthen.  You will need a strong enough self-esteem to trust initially.  At first, you will amaze yourself and you’ll want to share your experiences with others, however a word of caution; the closer you allow your ego (which is what encourages your need to tell others about how intuitive you are) to get to your intuition, the less you will engage with it.  The ego has no place near intuition as intuition is superior to it and the ego place is more suited to being closer to intellect.  Hear this first from me: Engaging with your intuition makes you no more special than anyone else.  What will make it special is your humbleness and quietude about it, which allows you to hook in at a deeper level with consciousness.  Think of it this way, intuition is like the Divine is telling you secrets.  To talk about it with your ego on your shoulder applauding you is to disrespect the gift of secrets you’ve been given.  If you want or need to have a witness to your experiences, share them with a soul companion who you know will treat them with reverence, just as you will with them.  Intuition is your direct connection with the Divine and should be treated with reverence and respect.  I have shared with you my experiences with hesitation here, yet chose to because I believed it would enhance your experience with this work.  Hopefully, I have expressed my experiences in a heartfelt, soulful way and don’t appear to be grandstanding, as that is far from my intention.  I have never considered myself as anyone more special than the next person, which is why I believe anything in this book can be achieved by anyone.

Your intuition will develop more as you become more at one with Consciousness.  This book is all about connecting to Consciousness and doing so really is about feeling REAL love, because when you are in sync with the flow of energy which is beyond the physical plane yet part of it, you feel loved and you relate to yourself as a vessel of unconditional love.  I’ll remind you again of the metaphor of yourself as a beautifully fashioned guitar I presented in the Chakra Section: Third Eye.  For you to bring forth your clearest note, sourcing, gouging and releasing what doesn’t serve you now and in the future is where our journey next takes us.

Always carry with you the truth that your intuition will deliver to you impressions of truth related to any situation.

Trust what you feel.

In addendum to the above, I will share some practical ways forward to engage with your inherent intuition once I am happy with my assertions and a way forward.

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